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Macosquin Primary School is proud to have acheived the PATHS Model School Award. All pupils from Year 1 to Year 7 enjoy two PATHS lessons a week. PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) is a an evidence based programme designed to facilitate the development of self -control, emotional awareness and inter-personal problem solving skills.
The programme is based around a number of key strategies.
Children are taught the purpose and importance of rules.
Children are taught what a compliment is, why they should pay compliments, how to pay and receive compliments and how they make people feel. Pupil of the Day concept introduces regular complimenting within the classroom.
Calming Down and Self-Control
Children are taught a variety of calming down techniques including ‘Doing Turtle’ and using the Control Signals poster.
Children are taught that all feelings are OK (behaviours are OK or NOT OK).Through feelings lessons and the use of Feelings Cards and dictionaries, children develop a better understanding of how to label and recognise their own emotions and those of others.
Manners and Fair Play
Lessons teach children the importance of manners and fair play.
Children learn how to identify and deal with any problems that they may face. Progression through the year groups enables children to work up to using an 11 step problem-solving technique.
To find out more about the programme click the link below to view the PATHS website.
Eco Schools Green Flag Award 2018 and 2021

On 18th May 2018 Macosquin P.S achieved our first ever Eco Schools Green Flag Award!
We worked on three key areas, identified through our action plan, to become a more environmentally friendly and sustainable school and achieved the prestigious 'Green Flag Award' in the process! Our focus areas were; Transport, Healthy Living and Outdoor Learning.
The assessors were very impressed by our fantastic whole school approach to becoming more environmentally friendly and sustainable and commented on our "involvement and effort from the entire school". They also loved their tour around the school and were particularly excited by our new Sensory Garden and poly tunnel.
We look forward to continuing and building upon our work as an Eco School to make a difference in both the local community and wider world today and in the years that lie ahead.
Primary Science Quality Mark

Macosquin Primary School has recently been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark – Gold Award. This is the highest possible standard a school can achieve.
We are one of only three schools in Northern Ireland to receive this prestigious award in 2013. This charter mark is recognised throughout the UK as an indication of extremely high standards of teaching and learning in Science throughout the school.
The level of commitment needed to achieve such an accolade is a clear indication of the importance placed by the school on STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
All pupils have the opportunity to engage in scientific investigations both inside and outside the classroom and also to gain valuable experiences from visits to the local area and beyond. National Science and Engineering Week is an annual event in the school calendar, when pupils engage in a range of activities to encourage and foster their love of all things scientific.
The school has developed links with local post-primary schools, whose pupils act as mentors during class activities.
In addition, we are proud to be associated with the Primary Science Teaching Trust.
Principal: Louanne McElwee BEd PQHNI | E: info@macosquinps.coleraine.ni.sch.uk
Macosquin Primary School 34 Dunderg Road, Macosquin, Coleraine, BT51 4ND | T: (028) 7034 4317