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Learning Support

At Macosquin Primary School we want every child to achieve their full potential. There are many children that benefit from a range of Literacy and Numeracy Learning Support Programmes within our school which ensure they do just that.
These programmes may take place within the classroom or during short periods when pupils are withdrawn from class, enabling them to have more individual/small group teaching. Such additional support does not replace classroom teaching – it is supplementary to it.
Parents are regularly consulted and updated on their children’s progress at each stage of the process in order for any child’s difficulty to be addressed. Your support and encouragement will be a key element in helping your child make appropriate progress.
What should I do if I think my child requires additional help?
It is primarily the responsibility of the class teacher to ensure that the needs of all children are catered for and that each child makes good progress in line with their ability. Parent Teacher Consultations in October and February are a good opportunity for you to have a chat with the teacher and share any concerns you may have. In addition you can also make an appointment to speak with your child’s class teacher, Mrs Montgomery our SENCO or Mrs McElwee Principal.
Learning Support Programmes Available
Rapid Maths
Numeracy Boost
Reading Partners
Catch Up Literacy
Rapid Readers
Literacy Boost
Principal: Louanne McElwee BEd PQHNI | E: info@macosquinps.coleraine.ni.sch.uk
Macosquin Primary School 34 Dunderg Road, Macosquin, Coleraine, BT51 4ND | T: (028) 7034 4317