Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU) focuses on encouraging each child to become personally, emotionally and socially effective, to lead healthy, safe and fulfilled lives and to become confident, independent and responsible citizens, making informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives.
We are a PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) school. We use the PATHS programme to teach the majority of the curriculum requirements for PDMU. PATHS is an evidence based programme designed to facilitate the development of self-control, emotional awareness, peer relations and interpersonal problem-solving skills.
PDMU links are also made through the Thematic Scheme where topics lend themselves to meaningful study. PDMU learning in school also includes Relationships and Sexuality Education, Drugs Awareness, Anti-bullying, Road Safety and E-Safety. P.D.M.U within the school is also enhanced by:-
Whole School and Key Stage assemblies
School Council
Playground Pals
Circle Time
Charities - Operation Christmas Child
Celebrating Internet Safety Week and Walk to School
Principal: Louanne McElwee BEd PQHNI | E: info@macosquinps.coleraine.ni.sch.uk
Macosquin Primary School 34 Dunderg Road, Macosquin, Coleraine, BT51 4ND | T: (028) 7034 4317