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Modern Languages

As the world we live in becomes increasingly diverse and more accessible (for those of us who want to head off on holiday), learning a foreign language is more important than ever. In spite of this, the Department of Education terminated The Primary Modern Languages Programme due to financial constraints resulting in no funding being available for schools to employ specialist foreign language teachers. However, at Macosquin Primary School, we recognise the need and demand for children to be exposed to additional languages. As children are more likely to retain another language when they are introduced to it at a young age, our pupils are introduced to modern languages in Feel Good Friday clubs and extra-curricular activities.
Modern Languages News
Principal: Louanne McElwee BEd PQHNI | E: info@macosquinps.coleraine.ni.sch.uk
Macosquin Primary School 34 Dunderg Road, Macosquin, Coleraine, BT51 4ND | T: (028) 7034 4317