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Macosquin Primary School, Coleraine

Mathematics and Numeracy


Numeracy is the development and application of mathematics across the curriculum and in real-life situations. Skills in numeracy help children to make informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives. We place strong emphasis on developing these essential skills.

Throughout primary school, our pupils engage in a wide range of purposeful activities which involve them in different modes of mathematical learning, including playing, exploring and investigating, doing and observing, talking and listening, asking questions, reflecting, drafting, reading and recording.

Our school uses a maths mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics.  We use a fantastic Maths resource - ‘Power Maths’, which has enhanced the teaching and learning of Numeracy across the school, benefitting all pupils.  ‘Power Maths’ breaks learning into manageable steps for children and promotes an active and practical approach to the teaching of mathematics.  At the heart of ‘Power Maths’ is the idea that with hard work and determination, everyone can succeed at Maths.



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Mathematics and Numeracy News

27th Feb 2025
P2 were excited to take their numeracy learning outside today, focusing on the topic...
7th Feb 2025
Today P2 enjoyed taking their learning outside to celebrate 'Number Day'. We enjoyed...
7th Feb 2025
Primary 6 enjoyed using the chrome books to take part and compete in a leaderboard...