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Macosquin Primary School, Coleraine

ICT Learning


Using ICT (Information and Communications Technology) describes the ability to handle and communicate information, solve problems, pose questions and be creative through the use of technology.

The focus on Using ICT means that pupils should have opportunities to transfer their knowledge, understanding and skills in a variety of meaningful contexts across the curriculum. This includes:

collaborating inside and outside the classroom;

sharing and exchanging work; and

exhibiting and showcasing their learning.

Within our school, every classroom has an interactive whiteboard and use of both ipads and laptops.  This supports whole class teaching and increases engagement in lessons. The use of ICT provides a positive learning experience for the children, by supplying a safety net for promoting experimentation, investigation and creativity. It is our aim to make learning truly engaging and fun for the children in order to broaden their learning experience and meet the needs of the new generation of children. 




Seesaw is a wonderful app which empowers pupils of any age to independently document what they are learning at school.  At Macosquin our pupils capture learning with photos and videos of their work, or by adding digital creations.  Work can be shared with classmates, parents or published to a class blog.  Seesaw gives pupils a real audience for their work and offers parents a personalised window into their child's learning.  We have had wonderful feedback from both parents and children about the benefits of this app and the positive impact it has had on their child' s confidence and in sharing their learning at home. 


Online Safety


As a school, we ensure that we educate both children and parents about the safe use of computers and related technologies both within school and at home.  On Internet Safety Day we held an information evening for parents about e-safety and how to keep their child safe online and on mobile technologies, to ensure all messages they send and receive are kind and safe. 

Within school we held an internet safety assembly and each class also did an appropriate lesson to reiterate the importance of Internet safety and cyber bullying. We feel it is vital to teach children about appropriate online behaviours and to think carefully about situations to help them stay safe when using the Internet and mobile devices both in school and at home. 

Please remember the 5 Smart rules when using the Internet and mobile phones. 








I.C.T Links



I.C.T News

21st Mar 2025
30th Jan 2025
As Safer Internet Day is fast approaching on 11th February, our school hosted two...
22nd Jan 2025
🌟 Our Primary 4 class had a blast learning about pictograms! 📊🍎🍌🍇...