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Macosquin Primary School, Coleraine

Board of Governors




 The school governors meet regularly to discuss and make decisions on budgeting, staffing and curriculum issues.



Mr D Pavey

Transferor Representatives

Rev P Lyons

Mrs C Heaton

Rev C Martin

Mr E Jamison

Parents’ Representatives

Mr P McDonald

Mrs K White

Teachers’ Representative

Mrs C Allen

Board Representative

Mrs D Kennedy

Mr D Pavey


Mrs L Mc Elwee


School Development Plan





The Governors alongside Mrs McElwee and staff prepare a School Development Plan to ensure future development, best practice and resources for our children.

Development plan 2024/25

Some of the developments planned for this year at our school are: 

  • Whole School Nurture and Well-being Development
  • Shared Education 'Aspire Programme' P.1-P.4
  • Addressing Bullying policy and training
  • Development of Specialist Provision Class
  • Development of online safety CCEA resources alongside school scheme
  • Review of White Rose Numeracy Scheme with year groups and NI Curriculum
  • Whole School Self-Evaluation to inform new 3 yr. plan 25-28
  • Literacy Grammar class coverage updated for all classes

New Online Reading Programme

As part of our School Development Plan for 2015/16, staff have implemented an new reading scheme ' Bug Club'. This scheme provides an invaluable resource for both teachers and parents to engage children and develop their reading skills further.