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Year 2 Class Visit to Castlerock Garden Centre
8th Apr 2017

On Thursday 6th April, Year 2 enjoyed a visit to Castlerock Garden Centre. The visit allowed the children to experience a garden centre firsthand and provided lots of ideas and inspiration for us to take back for our "Macosquin Garden Centre" role play area. The boys and girls also applied their numeracy skills by helping Miss Dunlop to identify how much money she needed to buy a strawberry plant in the shop. We are going to have a go at growing the strawberries in our class over the next few weeks! Thank you to Castlerock Garden Centre for allowing us to visit.
Principal: Louanne McElwee BEd PQHNI | E: info@macosquinps.coleraine.ni.sch.uk
Macosquin Primary School 34 Dunderg Road, Macosquin, Coleraine, BT51 4ND | T: (028) 7034 4317