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Macosquin Primary School, Coleraine

A visit from PSNI

6th Feb 2025

Today, P1 and Reception had the pleasure of welcoming three very important visitors. We enjoyed a highly educational morning as police officers spoke to us about the significance of their job and why we need them! They reminded us of the crucial emergency number, 999, which we must call if we need help from emergency services.

The officers showed us the different headwear they wear depending on their duties. This provided an engaging learning experience for the whole class, as many children had the opportunity to try them on. Don’t we look great in the photos!

We also learned about speed guns and the importance of safe driving for our mums and dads.
The excitement continued outside with a wonderful surprise from the police officers. They brought along a police car and a police Land Rover. We had the chance to hop in both the front and back seats to see what all the buttons do. We discovered that there are three different siren sounds, and they are all VERY noisy.

The police officers were very kind to leave us with plenty of souvenirs to remember their visit. We absolutely loved having these special visitors today and are very grateful for the valuable information they shared with us about our topic, ‘People who help us.’🚨🚓👮👮‍♂️🚔🚨