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Macosquin Primary School, Coleraine

Gardening Week 2016

18th May 2016

A big well done to all classes for participating in a very successful Gardening Week.  There has been lots of “green fingered” activity around school, with Year 1 planting peas, Year 2 sowing sunflower seeds, Year 3 fixing up our raised beds and planting wildflowers and Year 4 creating window boxes. 

In Key Stage 2, Year 5 planted vegetables at the allotments, Year 6 investigated the effects of propagation in the greenhouse and Year 7 went litter picking in the community- what a busy week!  The festivities were rounded up on Friday afternoon with a visit from Sam Laverty for Year 4-7 to talk about the importance of bees in the garden- a “buzzing” finish to a super week. Thank you so much Sam! We are looking forward to seeing our hard work grow and flourish over the coming months.