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Macosquin Primary School, Coleraine

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

Mrs Allen is our class teacher and Mrs Reid is our classroom assistant. We believe that if everyone works together, we can all achieve.  Our class is a supportive environment where everyone is encouraged to reach their full potential.  We celebrate each other's successes and learn from our challenges. 

Our class thrives on a balanced mix of PE, Art and Design and challenging our minds with mathematical problems.  We also love diving into books and testing our knowledge with quizzes on the Accelerated Reader Programme. Primary 6 enjoy the variety and depth that topic work brings to our learning experience. 

Our Year 6 topics:

Term 1a: Vikings 

Term 1b: Space 

Term 2: Coasts and Lighthouses 

Term 3: Titanic 




28th Nov 2024
Today Primary 6 were learning to use the light and temperature sensors on the microbit....
26th Nov 2024
A beautiful day to play the beautiful game! Our P5, 6 & 7 pupils played well...
19th Nov 2024
As a proud school in a rural community, with many of our children coming from farming...
18th Nov 2024
We had an amazing time at our KS2 Road Safety assembly today with Johnny from Sustrans...

Latest Photographs


Class Photograph

