Year 5
Welcome to P5!
Miss Stevenson and Mr Willis teach us and our classroom assistants are Lisa, Jill and Seraphina.
We are looking forward to the exciting year ahead. We all have our own exciting personalities and talents that are nurtured and celebrated throughout P5.
Throughout this year we will cover topics to include:
- Home and Away
- Alive and Kicking
- What on Earth?
- Light and Sound
- Animation
Numeracy is an exciting adventure for children to be immersed in, get creative with, make mistakes and conquer! Children will spark their curiosity and excitement whilst growing in confidence learning fractions, time and function machines to name a few!
Our class novels include: DNA Detectives, The Mystery of the Egyptian Scroll, Iron Man and Billionaire Boy. We will be using these novels to assist in interesting shared reading experiences.
Latest Photographs

Class Photograph

Principal: Louanne McElwee BEd PQHNI | E:
Macosquin Primary School 34 Dunderg Road, Macosquin, Coleraine, BT51 4ND | T: (028) 7034 4317